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Family Circle for Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving is celebrated only in two countries - the United States and Canada, but this special celebration has been known well all around the world. Moreover, the Americans have a very special attitude about it, since this is exactly the day when it is customary to thank God and loved ones for all the good in their lives. In 2019 in the United States they will celebrate the long-awaited holiday on November 28, and in neighboring Canada they have already celebrated on October 14.

It is the tradition for US citizens to spend a holiday with relatives and closest friends. On this day, Americans usually gather for a family dinner, which is hosted at the home of the oldest members of the family.

Before starting a traditional Thanksgiving meal, all family members, as a rule, thank God and each other for all the good that happened to them over the past year. Who knows, maybe next year Your Beloved from our site will sit among your loved ones at the festive table and you will both thank each other for giving happiness and love to one another!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our special users!

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