Updated May 24 2024
MarmeLadies is a website, created in order to help people get acquainted through the Internet.
By using the services, offered at this site (further in the text "Site"), you enter into a legally binding agreement (further in the text "Agreement") between yourself and the site (further - MarmeLadies) in accordance with the conditions stated below and irrespective, whether you are a registered member or not. If you wish to be registered, communicate with other members and use the services, available at the Site, read the conditions of using the Site and confirm your consent with them during registration.
The present agreement stipulates your obligations when you visit the Site and when services are rendered to you as a result of your registration. MarmeLadies reserves the right to change the conditions of using the Site unilaterally. Such changes take effect after their publication on the Site. The present agreement outlines the rules for publishing materials on the Site, operating procedures for handling confidential information, and other issues, associated with Site usage.
1. Age restrictions
You have the right to use the Site and be registered as a member after you have reached the age of 18. If you misrepresent your age, your registration as a member will be cancelled. By using the Site, you confirm and guarantee, that you meet age restrictions requirements and you have the right and opportunity to enter into the given Agreement in accordance with the legislation of your place of residence and to follow all its conditions.
2. Validity
This agreement remains in force during all periods while you are using the services of the Site. You can at any time and for any reason refuse using the services, having notified MarmeLadies by an electronic message. MarmeLadies has the right to terminate at its own discretion the present Agreement, cancel your registration and stop rendering services. The corresponding decision takes effect at the moment of sending such a notice to the electronic address, provided by you during registration, or to any other address, provided by you to MarmeLadies later. Even after the cancellation of the Agreement, cancellation of your membership and the termination of services rendered, certain parts of the present Agreement will remain in force, including items 4, 5, 7, and 9-14.
3. Non-commercial use
The site is intended only for personal use and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Organizations, companies and/or other associations have no right to be registered as members and use the Site. Any illegal and/or non-authorized use of the Site, such as gathering member names and/or e-mail addresses with the use of software or otherwise for the purpose of distributing advertising information (spam), computer viruses, and also illegal publication of references to the Site, opening any of Site pages in the frame of another site, will be investigated, and the measures of civil, administrative and criminal law will be applied to the infringers.
4. MarmeLadies property rights
MarmeLadies owns exclusive property rights to the Site and its rendered services. The site contains materials, trade marks, patented technologies and other information protected by copyright law, the property rights of which belong to MarmeLadies or to third parties, with whom MarmeLadies has concluded corresponding agreements. You have no right to copy, change, publish, transfer, distribute, reproduce or sell the information contained at the Site without MarmeLadies written permission, except for items, related to well-known or public information. Your payments will be processed by MARCO BUSINESS UK LTD 63-66 Hatton Garden, London, England
5. Site contents
a. You acknowledge and agree, that MarmeLadies can look through and delete any information, messages, photos and member profiles (further in the text "Contents"), which under MarmeLadies discretion do not meet the conditions of the present Agreement, and also offensive or illegal materials which may infringe on the rights of other members, harm or threaten the safety of other visitors of the Site. All unread messages sent by members more than 1 month ago are automatically deleted from the system.
b. You bear full responsibility for the contents of materials, which you publish at the Site or transfer to other members or visitors of the Site.
c. By publishing materials or information in public sections of the MarmeLadies Site, you automatically transfer MarmeLadies irrevocable, constant and non-exclusive right, to use, copy, reproduce, publish and distribute these materials and information with an opportunity to transfer to third parties, free-of-charge and without territorial restrictions, to use it for creation of derivative works or together with other materials and information, and guarantee, that you have the right to use materials transmitted to MarmeLadies rights.
d. The present item outlines a list of materials, publication of which is forbidden at the Site. MarmeLadies reserves the right to investigate cases of publication of such materials and apply at its own discretion sanctions, stipulated by law and the present Agreement, to any person who has infringed the determined requirements, including removal of materials of the forbidden character from the Site, termination of the present Agreement, member registration cancellation and termination of services rendered to such a person. Materials, publication of which is forbidden at the Site, include:
- materials which are offensive, including material of a racist nature or material which promotes any sort of violence against any individual or group;
- materials, infringing the rights of third parties or supporting such infringement;
- materials, not bearing semantic sense, including "letters of happiness" (consistently addressed to an unlimited circle of addressees) and non-authorized advertising mails (spam);
- materials, containing obviously false or misleading information, recommending illegal actions or offensive, menacing, obscene, discrediting or humiliating behavior, and also assisting such actions or behavior;
- materials, assisting illegal or non-authorized copying or distribution of materials, protected by copyright and belonging to third parties, including ones, granting access to counterfeit software or containing references to it, containing data regarding ways to break hardware-software protection systems and copyright management, containing piracy musical and video files, or references to them;
- materials, displaying contents of any websites or their separate pages, access to which is limited or requires a password, containing references, for bypassing such restrictions, and also displaying hidden pages and images with no references from other publicly accessible sites;
- containing materials of erotic or violent character with regards to persons who have not reached 18, or containing personal data on minor (younger than 18) persons;
- containing information, describing technology or instructions for the creation or purchase of weapons of restricted circulation or which are forbidden, creation of computer viruses, infringement of personal privacy rights, or fulfillment of other illegal actions;
- materials, containing offers or inquiries to other members with regards to granting passwords or other identifying information for subsequent use for commercial or illegal purposes;
- attracting third parties to participate in any commercial or trading activity, or fulfill any actions, which may result in economic gain, including offers to participate in prize draws, totalizator, advertising campaigns, financial pyramids, gambling, without MarmeLadies preliminary written consent.
e. You are obliged to use the Site and rendered services in accordance with all applicable laws and resolutions.
f. You have no right to include any telephone numbers, post addresses, web-pages Internet addresses and e-mail addresses in the fields of your profile, which are not intended for entering such information. Member's contact information (such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses etc.) will only be used by the Site to contact the member with information/question related to his profile/correspondence.
g. We allow contact information sharing between the members once both members decide and confirm they are ready and sign corresponding Client Consent Form provided by the Customer Support Service of the site on members' request.
h. You have no right to advertise or call other members, buy or sell any goods, works or services by using the Site. You have no right to send other members of the Site letters of an advertising character, "letters of happiness" or letters without semantic sense or organize mass mail distributions. Though MarmeLadies cannot oversee the behavior of members outside the Site, applications received through MarmeLadies information for persuasive molestation, insults, causing harm to other people or contacts to other members for advertising or sale of goods (works, services) or other purposes without its obviously expressed consent, such actions are considered to be infringements of the present Agreement. In order to protect members from such actions, MarmeLadies reserves the right to restrict the number of messages which one member can send to other members per day, up to such a number, which MarmeLadies considers reasonable at its own discretion.
i. To provide the Service, Marmeladies may purchase services from various third parties (collectively, “Local Agents”). The Local Agents are independent contractors and are not employees of Marmeladies. Marmeladies is not responsible for the willful or negligent acts and/or omissions of any Local Agents or any of its respective employees, servants or representatives including, without limitation, their failure to deliver Services, or partial or inadequate delivery of Services.
6. Copyright.
You have no right to place, distribute or reproduce materials protected by copyrights or objects on the Site in any form, or any other information or objects with property rights of third parties without their written consent. If you consider, that publication of any materials at the Site implies the infringement of your copyrights, provide our copyright agent with the following information: electronic or written signature of the person, authorized to act in the interests of the copyrights owner, the description of the material or publication which infringes the copyright law, the description of the given material, location at the Site, your phone, post address and e-mail address, your written statement, that the publication of the given material was done without the consent of the copyright owner of the material, his/her legal representative and in the absence of other legal grounds, also a written confirmation, that the information given by you is authentic and that you are the copyrights owner to the published material or his/her legal representative. In case the submitted information is incorrect, you can be accused of deliberate deception and sanctions established by law can be applied to you.
7. Relations between members.
You bear individual responsibility for your interaction with other MarmeLadies members. MarmeLadies reserves the right, but does not take upon itself the unconditional obligation to represent itself as an intermediary in the settlement of disagreements between registered members of the Site.
8. Clauses.
MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for not valid or incorrect data placed at the Site or provided in connection with services rendered, the source of which are visitors and registered members of the Site, and also as a result of failure of the equipment or software, associated with the functioning of the Site and rendering of services. MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for actions of visitors or members of the Site when they are using the Site directly or when services are rendered to them, or at any other time. MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for mistakes, omissions, operational breaks, loss or distortion of information, operational delays or delays in the transfer of information, communication line breakdowns, theft or destruction of information, and also for illegal access to a communication facility and information of visitors or members. MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for disruptions in the functioning of telephone systems and lines, Internet channels, servers and providers, computer equipment, software, the inability to delivery electronic messages or malfunctions, associated with technical problems, network overloads or excessive traffic in Internet channels or at the Site, including cases when harm or damage was caused to a visitor or member of the Site, or any third party, as well as to their computers, as a result of such technical malfunctions, and also in connection with any use of the Site or MarmeLadies services. Under no circumstances does MarmeLadies bear any responsibility for causing any damage to visitors or members of the Site, a physical mutilation, and also in case of death of a visitor or member as a result of visiting the Site, rendering to him/her services, usage of materials, data and information, published at the Site or received from other members or visitors of the Site, or due to interaction with other members directly visiting the Site or rendering its services, as at any other time. All materials, data and information, placed at the Site, and also rendered services are given by MarmeLadies "as they are ", MarmeLadies does not provide guarantees on suitability or conformity of provided materials, data, information and services to certain purposes or the non-infringement of someone's rights. MarmeLadies does not guarantee, that members or visitors of the Site will achieve any certain results when visiting the Site and using its services.
9. Limited Liability
Except for jurisdictions, which do not recognize such liability limits, MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility before you or any third party for any direct, indirect, collateral or casual damage, incurred to you (incl. as a result of any sanctions, applied to you), including missed benefit as a result of use of the materials and services of the Site, even if a possibility of such damage was beforehand known to MarmeLadies. According to the present Agreement, financial responsibility of MarmeLadies before a member, irrespectively of the grounds of caused damage and type of a claim, presented to MarmeLadies, is limited to the sum which the member has paid MarmeLadies for the services rendered to him/her, during the time, when he/she was registered at the Site.
10. Exemption of liability before the third parties
By accepting the conditions of the present Agreement, you exempt MarmeLadies and also its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, administrative board, employees, workers, agents and partners from payment of any compensation to third parties, including payments of lawyer's remunerations and any court expenses if the damage was caused to them due to your infringement of the conditions of the present Agreement when using the Site and rendering its services, rejecting acknowledgements and guarantees, which you provided in connection with its conclusion.
11. Refund Policy
MarmeLadies will issue a refund within 72 hours of an initial payment is case that none of the services have been provided to the client. Beyond these conditions, requests for refunds will be at the discretion of MarmeLadies and will be reviewed on individual basis.
12. Miscellaneous
a. Except as otherwise specified herein, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
b. The present Agreement, acceptance of which is confirmed by you using the Site and later registering as a member, is the agreement between you and MarmeLadies regarding all issues, concerning the usage of the Site and-or rendering of its services to you (except for the list of rendered services and tariffs). Even if some of the conditions of the present agreement are nullified, all other conditions will keep their force.
MarmeLadies is a website, created in order to help people get acquainted through the Internet.
By using the services, offered at this site (further in the text "Site"), you enter into a legally binding agreement (further in the text "Agreement") between yourself and the site (further - MarmeLadies) in accordance with the conditions stated below and irrespective, whether you are a registered member or not. If you wish to be registered, communicate with other members and use the services, available at the Site, read the conditions of using the Site and confirm your consent with them during registration.
The present agreement stipulates your obligations when you visit the Site and when services are rendered to you as a result of your registration. MarmeLadies reserves the right to change the conditions of using the Site unilaterally. Such changes take effect after their publication on the Site. The present agreement outlines the rules for publishing materials on the Site, operating procedures for handling confidential information, and other issues, associated with Site usage.
1. Age restrictions
You have the right to use the Site and be registered as a member after you have reached the age of 18. If you misrepresent your age, your registration as a member will be cancelled. By using the Site, you confirm and guarantee, that you meet age restrictions requirements and you have the right and opportunity to enter into the given Agreement in accordance with the legislation of your place of residence and to follow all its conditions.
2. Validity
This agreement remains in force during all periods while you are using the services of the Site. You can at any time and for any reason refuse using the services, having notified MarmeLadies by an electronic message. MarmeLadies has the right to terminate at its own discretion the present Agreement, cancel your registration and stop rendering services. The corresponding decision takes effect at the moment of sending such a notice to the electronic address, provided by you during registration, or to any other address, provided by you to MarmeLadies later. Even after the cancellation of the Agreement, cancellation of your membership and the termination of services rendered, certain parts of the present Agreement will remain in force, including items 4, 5, 7, and 9-14.
3. Non-commercial use
The site is intended only for personal use and cannot be used for commercial purposes. Organizations, companies and/or other associations have no right to be registered as members and use the Site. Any illegal and/or non-authorized use of the Site, such as gathering member names and/or e-mail addresses with the use of software or otherwise for the purpose of distributing advertising information (spam), computer viruses, and also illegal publication of references to the Site, opening any of Site pages in the frame of another site, will be investigated, and the measures of civil, administrative and criminal law will be applied to the infringers.
4. MarmeLadies property rights
MarmeLadies owns exclusive property rights to the Site and its rendered services. The site contains materials, trade marks, patented technologies and other information protected by copyright law, the property rights of which belong to MarmeLadies or to third parties, with whom MarmeLadies has concluded corresponding agreements. You have no right to copy, change, publish, transfer, distribute, reproduce or sell the information contained at the Site without MarmeLadies written permission, except for items, related to well-known or public information. Your payments will be processed by MARCO BUSINESS UK LTD 63-66 Hatton Garden, London, England
5. Site contents
a. You acknowledge and agree, that MarmeLadies can look through and delete any information, messages, photos and member profiles (further in the text "Contents"), which under MarmeLadies discretion do not meet the conditions of the present Agreement, and also offensive or illegal materials which may infringe on the rights of other members, harm or threaten the safety of other visitors of the Site. All unread messages sent by members more than 1 month ago are automatically deleted from the system.
b. You bear full responsibility for the contents of materials, which you publish at the Site or transfer to other members or visitors of the Site.
c. By publishing materials or information in public sections of the MarmeLadies Site, you automatically transfer MarmeLadies irrevocable, constant and non-exclusive right, to use, copy, reproduce, publish and distribute these materials and information with an opportunity to transfer to third parties, free-of-charge and without territorial restrictions, to use it for creation of derivative works or together with other materials and information, and guarantee, that you have the right to use materials transmitted to MarmeLadies rights.
d. The present item outlines a list of materials, publication of which is forbidden at the Site. MarmeLadies reserves the right to investigate cases of publication of such materials and apply at its own discretion sanctions, stipulated by law and the present Agreement, to any person who has infringed the determined requirements, including removal of materials of the forbidden character from the Site, termination of the present Agreement, member registration cancellation and termination of services rendered to such a person. Materials, publication of which is forbidden at the Site, include:
- materials which are offensive, including material of a racist nature or material which promotes any sort of violence against any individual or group;
- materials, infringing the rights of third parties or supporting such infringement;
- materials, not bearing semantic sense, including "letters of happiness" (consistently addressed to an unlimited circle of addressees) and non-authorized advertising mails (spam);
- materials, containing obviously false or misleading information, recommending illegal actions or offensive, menacing, obscene, discrediting or humiliating behavior, and also assisting such actions or behavior;
- materials, assisting illegal or non-authorized copying or distribution of materials, protected by copyright and belonging to third parties, including ones, granting access to counterfeit software or containing references to it, containing data regarding ways to break hardware-software protection systems and copyright management, containing piracy musical and video files, or references to them;
- materials, displaying contents of any websites or their separate pages, access to which is limited or requires a password, containing references, for bypassing such restrictions, and also displaying hidden pages and images with no references from other publicly accessible sites;
- containing materials of erotic or violent character with regards to persons who have not reached 18, or containing personal data on minor (younger than 18) persons;
- containing information, describing technology or instructions for the creation or purchase of weapons of restricted circulation or which are forbidden, creation of computer viruses, infringement of personal privacy rights, or fulfillment of other illegal actions;
- materials, containing offers or inquiries to other members with regards to granting passwords or other identifying information for subsequent use for commercial or illegal purposes;
- attracting third parties to participate in any commercial or trading activity, or fulfill any actions, which may result in economic gain, including offers to participate in prize draws, totalizator, advertising campaigns, financial pyramids, gambling, without MarmeLadies preliminary written consent.
e. You are obliged to use the Site and rendered services in accordance with all applicable laws and resolutions.
f. You have no right to include any telephone numbers, post addresses, web-pages Internet addresses and e-mail addresses in the fields of your profile, which are not intended for entering such information. Member's contact information (such as e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses etc.) will only be used by the Site to contact the member with information/question related to his profile/correspondence.
g. We allow contact information sharing between the members once both members decide and confirm they are ready and sign corresponding Client Consent Form provided by the Customer Support Service of the site on members' request.
h. You have no right to advertise or call other members, buy or sell any goods, works or services by using the Site. You have no right to send other members of the Site letters of an advertising character, "letters of happiness" or letters without semantic sense or organize mass mail distributions. Though MarmeLadies cannot oversee the behavior of members outside the Site, applications received through MarmeLadies information for persuasive molestation, insults, causing harm to other people or contacts to other members for advertising or sale of goods (works, services) or other purposes without its obviously expressed consent, such actions are considered to be infringements of the present Agreement. In order to protect members from such actions, MarmeLadies reserves the right to restrict the number of messages which one member can send to other members per day, up to such a number, which MarmeLadies considers reasonable at its own discretion.
i. To provide the Service, Marmeladies may purchase services from various third parties (collectively, “Local Agents”). The Local Agents are independent contractors and are not employees of Marmeladies. Marmeladies is not responsible for the willful or negligent acts and/or omissions of any Local Agents or any of its respective employees, servants or representatives including, without limitation, their failure to deliver Services, or partial or inadequate delivery of Services.
6. Copyright.
You have no right to place, distribute or reproduce materials protected by copyrights or objects on the Site in any form, or any other information or objects with property rights of third parties without their written consent. If you consider, that publication of any materials at the Site implies the infringement of your copyrights, provide our copyright agent with the following information: electronic or written signature of the person, authorized to act in the interests of the copyrights owner, the description of the material or publication which infringes the copyright law, the description of the given material, location at the Site, your phone, post address and e-mail address, your written statement, that the publication of the given material was done without the consent of the copyright owner of the material, his/her legal representative and in the absence of other legal grounds, also a written confirmation, that the information given by you is authentic and that you are the copyrights owner to the published material or his/her legal representative. In case the submitted information is incorrect, you can be accused of deliberate deception and sanctions established by law can be applied to you.
7. Relations between members.
You bear individual responsibility for your interaction with other MarmeLadies members. MarmeLadies reserves the right, but does not take upon itself the unconditional obligation to represent itself as an intermediary in the settlement of disagreements between registered members of the Site.
8. Clauses.
MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for not valid or incorrect data placed at the Site or provided in connection with services rendered, the source of which are visitors and registered members of the Site, and also as a result of failure of the equipment or software, associated with the functioning of the Site and rendering of services. MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for actions of visitors or members of the Site when they are using the Site directly or when services are rendered to them, or at any other time. MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for mistakes, omissions, operational breaks, loss or distortion of information, operational delays or delays in the transfer of information, communication line breakdowns, theft or destruction of information, and also for illegal access to a communication facility and information of visitors or members. MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility for disruptions in the functioning of telephone systems and lines, Internet channels, servers and providers, computer equipment, software, the inability to delivery electronic messages or malfunctions, associated with technical problems, network overloads or excessive traffic in Internet channels or at the Site, including cases when harm or damage was caused to a visitor or member of the Site, or any third party, as well as to their computers, as a result of such technical malfunctions, and also in connection with any use of the Site or MarmeLadies services. Under no circumstances does MarmeLadies bear any responsibility for causing any damage to visitors or members of the Site, a physical mutilation, and also in case of death of a visitor or member as a result of visiting the Site, rendering to him/her services, usage of materials, data and information, published at the Site or received from other members or visitors of the Site, or due to interaction with other members directly visiting the Site or rendering its services, as at any other time. All materials, data and information, placed at the Site, and also rendered services are given by MarmeLadies "as they are ", MarmeLadies does not provide guarantees on suitability or conformity of provided materials, data, information and services to certain purposes or the non-infringement of someone's rights. MarmeLadies does not guarantee, that members or visitors of the Site will achieve any certain results when visiting the Site and using its services.
9. Limited Liability
Except for jurisdictions, which do not recognize such liability limits, MarmeLadies does not bear responsibility before you or any third party for any direct, indirect, collateral or casual damage, incurred to you (incl. as a result of any sanctions, applied to you), including missed benefit as a result of use of the materials and services of the Site, even if a possibility of such damage was beforehand known to MarmeLadies. According to the present Agreement, financial responsibility of MarmeLadies before a member, irrespectively of the grounds of caused damage and type of a claim, presented to MarmeLadies, is limited to the sum which the member has paid MarmeLadies for the services rendered to him/her, during the time, when he/she was registered at the Site.
10. Exemption of liability before the third parties
By accepting the conditions of the present Agreement, you exempt MarmeLadies and also its subsidiaries and affiliated companies, administrative board, employees, workers, agents and partners from payment of any compensation to third parties, including payments of lawyer's remunerations and any court expenses if the damage was caused to them due to your infringement of the conditions of the present Agreement when using the Site and rendering its services, rejecting acknowledgements and guarantees, which you provided in connection with its conclusion.
11. Refund Policy
MarmeLadies will issue a refund within 72 hours of an initial payment is case that none of the services have been provided to the client. Beyond these conditions, requests for refunds will be at the discretion of MarmeLadies and will be reviewed on individual basis.
12. Miscellaneous
a. Except as otherwise specified herein, this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales.
b. The present Agreement, acceptance of which is confirmed by you using the Site and later registering as a member, is the agreement between you and MarmeLadies regarding all issues, concerning the usage of the Site and-or rendering of its services to you (except for the list of rendered services and tariffs). Even if some of the conditions of the present agreement are nullified, all other conditions will keep their force.